Blue Jay City

When you let the Blue Jays into your heart

The Raptors season was a huge success and it brought the city so much closer. It was an awesome epic ride, that actually did not disappoint. When you get to see your home team do so well, it builds a sense of pride in your city and that is an awesome feeling. I've got a special Made in 416 variant coming up for your baseball season this summer. And it looks really good. Sometimes the most simple of things to do is often the best things one can do to make something special. With this in mind I am taking all these steps day by day, and trying to be better everyday I possibly can.

It's a push sometimes to get things going and keep the momentum, but with diligence and continued strides towards the goal it really can make a huge difference to the outcome of what is to come for yourself. Sometimes you have to look inside you and realize that there is something a lot greater than what you could possibly imagine. Don't stiffen it or hold it back, let it out and let it run you to greatness. You'll be surprised to know how far you can go if you just let it control you and dominate your everyday life. 

I have a few other concepts in the works that will come out later, but the tricky part is controlling how much content is out there at once, as I've learned it's hard to multi-support many different brands under your main brand. This is why I've decided that I would now work on increasing the overall ReckGear brand instead of the apparel individual brands. It'll take a bit longer to garner interest, but the outcome of having a brand that can sell anything is so much greater in the end. That will be when I can get all my ideas out there, because it is now an umbrella brand and that is when you have something of serious worth on your hand.

As I said, the new Blue Jay variant will only be sold via my Social Media so if you happen to come across this blog post, make sure too visit and to stay in the know and get ready to order possibly the best shirt of 2016. This Tee will be awesome to represent the home team in Toronto.

Tdot, where the City meets Reckless Summer. Boom! as special treat take a look at my hot new logo below: